Friday, June 21, 2013

Trading What I Know For How I Feel

It was exactly two years ago today, on the summer solstice, that I summited Mt. Katahdin in Maine. I remember it as if it were last week, the sky was so clear the air so crisp and clean, the distant mountains and lakes so visibly lush green and deep blue. Mt. Katahdin is the Northern Terminus of the Appalachian Trail, but I was just beginning my journey that day, I was heading Southbound. With a head full of doubt, I started out by myself on a 2181 mile trek down to Georgia that changed my life forever. I can't imagine NOT having done this now, life is positively different in so many ways because of the experiences and people I met on my 4.5 month journey. It's always scary to change life from what you know to the unknown, but that never stopped me and I'm not looking back...all the sacrifice is worth it!

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.

AT Northern Terminus June 21, 2011

Follow the white blazes!

PBR trail magic in Maine.

Starting out with my "light" 34lb pack

It's surreal to think that today, two years later, I'm 2.5 weeks out from starting the CDT!!! This is unbelievable, I never anticipated this when I started the AT. If all goes well, if I finish in November as planned, I will have completed the Triple Crown of hiking in three consecutive years! AT in 2011, PCT in 2012 and CDT in 2013...Surreal!! I'm grateful everyday for knowing how fortunate I am to have my health and be surrounded by positive influences in my life and to be in this position. So grateful!!

Below is a pic of my food resupply boxes that I finally sealed up and drove over to my support team, who will be sending them out to me at designated points along the trail. Thanks Josh & Stephen!!!

25 food resupply boxes ready to go!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Pelican Release


I have witnessed so many good people in this world doing so many selfless good deeds over the last couple years. Usually I've been on the receiving end of the hospitality of others, from long hitches in the middle of nowhere to receiving full on deluxe gourmet meals and/or accommodations while on my thru-hiking adventures.  There's no exception of generosity at the Wildlife Center of the North Coast where today I volunteered for the third time since being at the farm.   This is a non-profit that operates completely by donations and its wonderful volunteers to rehabilitate injured, sick, orphaned and displaced native wildlife with the goal of releasing healthy, viable wildlife back into their habitat. Pretty amazing group of people that I've enjoyed getting to know, doing truly amazing selfless work!

Today was a special occasion at the Wildlife Center as they were planning on a Pelican release, which I absolutely wasn't going to miss. The whole procedure involved catching the Pelicans in their very large 150' long flight cage, weighing and taking wing and bill measurements and vitals, placing them in the carrying crates, driving to the coastal release location (Chinook, WA...just across the OR border on the other side of the Columbia River), and setting up to release the Brown Pelicans for a seamless comfortable experience for the birds. It was pretty awesome being able to handle such a magnificent bird up close!

It all went very well and this ended up being one of the Wildlife Center's largest Pelican releases, we successfully released 12 beautiful & healthy Brown Pelicans. A very exciting and unique experience for sure.

Enjoy the pics!

Smart people deciding our strategy for the release
Preparing the vehicles and carrying crates for the Pelicans
This beautiful Brown Pelican resting comfortably in her crate
Taking Pelican measurements and vitals
The drive over the Columbia River into Washington State for the release
Setting up for the release
Everyone had two Pelicans to release
Pelicans taking flight after release!
Pelican taking flight