Saturday, May 25, 2013

A Week in the Life

Pretty typical week on the farm, people always coming and going, which always makes it interesting here. We had a group of students on Tuesday and Wednesday from Tillamook Preschool at the farm, 3-5 year olds! They were here to plant pumpkins and then in the fall they will come back to harvest them when they are big, orange and pumkiny. Not being much of a kid guy, it was actually pretty enjoyable and certainly entertaining. We broke off into a couple different groups; I went on a snake hunt with the first group on Tuesday...and kids LOVE snakes to my amazement! It was cool and chilly but sure enough we did find snakes in our compost piles, they fearlessly handled the harmless garter snakes. We also had the tractor out for the kids to explore, this was my duty on Wednesday. Kids are amused by the simplest things, a light blinking or the color of the tractor! The innocence of it all is what was the most refreshing I guess.

                                                        Hellians arriving
                                                         snake charmer

                                              look ma and orange tractor!

Saturday I worked the Hollywood ( a neighborhood in Portland) Market. I enjoy the social interaction with the customers and it's a great way to familiarize myself even more with or enormous variety of vegetables that we grow here at Gales Meadow Farm.  The pic below is just a sampling of the variety we have at GMF...right now it's all about our tomato starts. We always have chicken and duck eggs available and now is the season for delicious garlic scapes, shallot and elephant garlic buds. Sometime soon I'll be posting my 'best of GMF' which will consist of a variety of pics I've taken since being here in September.


I did get several runs in this week too, three 8's and today I did a 12 miler,,,for those of you who don't know, when I have free time I ALWAYS find time for running. It's just one of those things that I absolutely cannot do without, it grounds me, it's my therapy, it challenges me, it feels good! Kind of like this super tasty local beer I just discovered at the market today....enjoying this Invasive Species IPA right now thinking about how grand life is these days and thankful for all of it!

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