Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

We had one of our delicious customers come visit the farm today! This customer buys ALL of our organic mint that we grow here at the farm, which officially adds up to a crap-ton of mint.

All 16 employees of local Portland based Ruby Jewel came out to our farm for a farm walk/tour and a huge pot luck. The weather was perfect for it and we all enjoyed the day while eating great food and of course, finished off the meal with fantastic All Natural Ruby Jewel Ice Cream. I had their Butterscotch Pecan Cookie with Honey Roasted Banana Ice Cream (see pic below)...yes, it tastes as good as it sounds!        http://www.rubyjewel.net/

I just finished up my day by working on some CDT logistics, tonight was the not-so-fun task of splitting up the many maps to go in their respective drop boxes. Things are progressing nicely and I don't feel overwhelmed at all; maybe because I started planning in January or maybe because this is my third thru-hike and I should have this shit down by now! Probably both. 


  1. i love that you are blogging now! as a tip, i would change your text color from light grey to something darker if your background is going to be white. makes for some difficult reading otherwise.

  2. nevermind.. now its light grey on black bkg. :)
